Rocker switch with 12V control lamp

Rocker switch for: Cars. Boat, mobile home, truck and much more
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Items 1 - 15 of 15

Car buttom 2 x off center with lighting

4,75 € *
In stock!

Car Button 2 x off, 1 x on center

4,95 € *
In stock!
2,95 € *
In stock!
1,79 € *
In stock!
1,59 € *
In stock!
1,59 € *
In stock!
3,45 € *
In stock!

Rocker switch with control light red 12VDC off/on

2,95 € *
In stock!
1,95 € *
In stock!
4,45 € *
In stock!
1,95 € *
In stock!
1,95 € *
In stock!
2,95 € *
In stock!

Rocker switch with indicator light green on/off 20A IP65

4,45 € *
In stock!

Rocker switch with indicator light red on/off 20A IP65

4,45 € *
In stock!